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The overall objective of the LIFE ZEROLANDFILLING project is to demonstrate the profitability and sustainability of a pilot plant for the treatment and chemical recycling of non-recyclable municipal solid waste (MSW). The project seeks to revalorize them into a high quality liquid mixture called green naphtha, which can be used in the chemical and petrochemical industries. In addition, solid charcoal will be produced for the construction industry and synthesis gas for self-consumption during the pyrolysis process. 



Revolutionize the traditional concept of the MSW treatment sector by introducing a circular and zero-disposal concept capable of eliminating large volumes of waste at the end of its useful life and revaluing it as improved raw material, while deepening the knowledge of the influence of non-recyclable components of MSW on plant performance and product quality to optimize its treatment.

To develop a cost-effective integrated prototype capable of processing 0.8 t/h of heterogeneous mixtures of non-recyclable MSW and producing, thanks to the integration of an upgrading unit, high quality green naphtha and solid charcoal, thus making recycling profitable for the business of industries such as chemical, petrochemical and construction industries, while reducing waste.

Avoid dumping the existing large amount of non-recyclable MSW, drastically reducing the associated GHG emissions (CO2 and CH4) through a technological system with low environmental impact. This technology will reduce the carbon footprint by 92% and will allow the revaluation of waste by returning MSW to raw materials, thus avoiding the production of conventional raw materials (conventional naphtha and coke) through highly polluting processes.

Paving the way towards broad replication and near-market deployment through a technology and industrialization roadmap and a replication plan. a technological and industrialization roadmap and a replication plan, taking as reference 5 industrial MSW treatment plants operated by FCCMA as precursors in the short term, and emphasizing the acceptance of the new industrial MSW treatment plants operated by FCCMA as short-term precursors and emphasizing the acceptance of the new system by potential customers.

To drive the deployment of a new circular economy concept and consolidate the strong positioning and robustness of the European waste treatment sector, thereby providing Europe with a leading position through and strength of the European waste treatment sector, thus providing Europe with a leading position by committing to investments in an integrated industrial-scale MSW management plant (€14,787M) and defining novel business models, stimulating innovation and the creation of new jobs.

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