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Recovering landfill waste through an innovative and integrated process committed to the circular economy

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Circular economy and waste

Municipal solid waste (MSW)

Environmental impact

Thermochemical recycling

Get to know the project

The transition to a more circular economy requires changes in all value chains, and waste management plays a key role. Despite an increasing focus on prevention and sustainability, the total generation of municipal solid waste (MSW) has increased very significantly in recent years, posing an environmental and economic challenge. Europe today loses around 600 Mt of waste materials that could be recycled or reused. The LIFE ZeroLandFilling project aims to address this environmental and economic problem, demonstrating for the first time the profitability and sustainability of an innovative, advanced and integrated management system, through a pilot plant, as a solution to treat and revalue non-recyclable MSW (mainly composed of non-recyclable plastics and bio-waste) that normally reach landfills. It should be noted that this non-recyclable MSW will be revalorized into products (green naphtha and solid charcoal) of commercial interest. As part of the project, 2,112 t of non-recyclable MSW will be treated, avoiding 2,069.76 tCO2e associated with their disposal. In addition, this revalorization will result in the production of 458 t of green naphtha and 583 t of solid coal, which, compared to conventional competitors, will avoid the generation of 918.56 and 1,700.26 tCO2e, respectively. LIFE ZeroLandFilling ofrecerá así una solución sostenible y competitiva de vertido cero, con una baja huella de carbono y un enfoque de economía circular, que tendrá un fuerte impacto en el futuro medioambiental y económico de Europa. Además, el proyecto allanará el camino hacia una amplia replicación y un despliegue próximo al mercado, permitiendo una reducción de RSU de 160.000 t/año y de 355.222,65 tCO2e/año, a lo largo de 3 años, fomentando el despliegue de un nuevo concepto de economía circular y consolidando el posicionamiento y la solidez del sector europeo de tratamiento de residuos.


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